Jul 31, 2014
SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-158-hr-heroes-hangout-series-how-much-law-do-i-really-need-to-know-to-succeed-in-the-hr-field.html
SHOW NOTES: In this episode our topic is, “How much law do I really need to know to succeed in the HR field?”
Answer: As much as possible.
Human Resources is all...
Jul 30, 2014
SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-157-joyful-art-of-business-series-fake-it-til-you-make-it.html
SHOW NOTES: In our JOYFUL ART OF BUSINESS™ series we explore how to combine the positive benefits of our professional endeavors (“business”) with the overall positive emotional return on our efforts...
Jul 29, 2014
SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-156-financial-fierceness-series-suze-orman-is-right-you-canrsquot-afford-it-and-neither-can-i.html
SHOW NOTES: Our FINANCIAL FIERCENESS!™ series integrates our financial goals into our development plan for surpassing our goals. We deal with the specific issues we need...
Jul 28, 2014
SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-155-management-magicians-series-how-to-effectively-avoid-the-mean-manager-syndrome.html
SHOW NOTES: Our MANAGEMENT MAGICIANS™ series is dedicated to those exceptional few who step forward to serve as guides, sages and responsible parties for others in pursuit of the...
Jul 25, 2014
SITE: http://www.courtneyanderson.com/swca-episode-154-myth-warriors-series-why-the-smartest-thing-you-can-say-is-i-dont-know.html
SHOW NOTES: In the MYTH WARRIORS™ series we are targeting ideas to begin to assess whether they are credible or not. We are warriors fighting to establish clarity between what is accurate...