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Solutions...with Courtney Anderson! What is Holding You Back from Surpassing Your Goals? Business. Legal. Life.

Informed…Not Simply Outraged. 

Attorney. Author. Humorist. Professor. Award-winning International Strategic Leadership Innovator, Courtney Elizabeth Anderson, J.D., M.B.A., M.S. (, is "The Workplace Relationship Expert" ™ , executive director of the International Workplace Relationship Council, and practices the "Joyful Art of Business!"™ around the world. 

Leading workplace relationship policy expert who has advised various domestic and international entities including Boeing, Cirque du Soleil, The United States House of Representatives and Wal-Mart. Media appearances include: BusinessWeek, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, FOX News, Cosmopolitan, CNN International, USA Today, CNN - HLN, The Christian Science Monitor, HuffingtonPost, Sorbet magazine (Dubai) and many more. She has worked for global clients in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), Africa (South Africa), Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India), Australia and Europe (Italy, The Netherlands, Spain).

"Solutions…with Courtney Anderson!" is a weekly show that delivers pragmatic concepts and tools that will permit you to surpass your goals!


Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Courtney Anderson & Associates, LLC; © 2012-2017 Courtney Anderson Enterprises LLC; © 2018 AndBro Enterprises LLC dba International Workplace Relationship Council. All rights reserved.

Jul 7, 2014


SHOW NOTES:  In our HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series, we shine the light on challenges that community members have shared. This episode is, "How do I know when to 'Never Give Up!' versus when to 'Let it Go.'?"

The “answer” to this question is to “Never Give Up” when positive outcomes are occurring the majority of the time (i.e., “it is working”) and to “Let It Go” when negative outcomes are occurring the majority of the time (i.e., “it is not working”). 

How do you figure this formula (if positive outcomes are occurring the majority of the time or negative ones are instead) out? You must make a written inventory. Do not trust a mental list as you are going to be heavily influenced by what you have as a predetermined result. For example, if you are trying to determine if you should never give up your current job, if you are frightened of change you will potentially skew your inventory to favor a majority of positive of outcomes. Committing the inventory of outcomes to writing will help (but not 100% prevent) “wishful thinking.” 

Making decisions is difficult. If it was easy there would be no need for help or advice and everyone would be content and happy in their lives. I do want to remind you to include how you feel (whether it is happy, sad, excited, anxious, etc.) in your written inventory as that individual emotional ROI is extremely important. 

You have to make a new inventory on a schedule (e.g., every six months) to ensure that you are continuing to make the choices that will result in the best outcomes. So, let’s get started today on answering what you should do in your life with this episode! Join me as we discuss when to “Never Give Up” and when to “Let It Go.” 

© Courtney Anderson Enterprises LLC